The Change Agent Blog:

Change Agent Briefing: V7 Issue 1


The Resistance Cycle in Change. Discover the four phases of resistance that people go through when enduring change. Learn the typical ways people react to change and how it impacts them personally.

Download issue in Acrobat Portable Document Format (.PDF)

Audio Excerpts:


Mourning the Past” (2.58 minutes)


Our Natural Reactions to Change” (13.35 minutes)

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You did an excellent job at our breakfast meeting for the Human Resources Association of Central Ohio. It was one of the best meetings this year! Your ratings were superior especially considering the fact that our members tend to be difficult to impress as they hear a lot of speakers in their line of work. On a scale of 1 to 5 (5 being “excellent”), our members gave you a 4.9 on your delivery!

Human Resources Association of Central Ohio

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