Articles: Change Management | Customer Loyalty | Leadership Articles | Communication Skills

Articles by Patti Hathaway

Customer Loyalty Articles

Customer Loyalty Articles where Patti is Quoted:

Subconscious Selling: Connect with Customers Where They Make Buying and Staying Decisions,” Professional Insurance Agents, July-August 2004.

“Do Your Reps Deliver Red-Nosed Service?” The Effective Customer Service Manager, December 2002.

Mirroring Techniques: Imitation is the sincerest form of service”, The Effective Customer Service Manager, May 2002.

Silent Selling,” Stone in America, 1996.

The Customer Doesn’t Always Ride Twice: Exceptional Customer Service Ideas for Bottom-Line Results,” OPTA Transit Briefings, Summer 1995.

Building Business by Building Better Relationships,” Sales Executive Club Newsbrief, September 1994.

Customer Loyalty Articles written by Patti
(available for reprinting):

(Customer Changes) The Customer Doesn’t Always Ring Twice: Making Seamless Changes to Keep Customers Loyal – With change, often comes internal chaos and resistance. As a result, the customer may experience confusion and disruption in service and/or product delivery. Learn specific strategies to keep your customers coming back despite internal organizational changes.

Building Business by Building Rapport – Learn how the science of Neuro Linguistics Programming can be your secret of success in building your business.

There is Only One Boss: The Customer – In business today, there is only one boss – the customer. S/he can fire everybody from the CEO down simply by spending his/her money elsewhere. One of the best techniques that will help us overcome our tendency to fake attention with customers is a cutting-edge technique that will improve our listening as well as help us gain rapport with our customers.

The Cornerstone of Business Success: Building Your Repeat and Referral Business – Customer service research shows time and again that it is far cheaper to keep a current customer than gain a new one. Learn specific strategies to gain repeat and referral business from your current customers.

Chit Chat that Makes Business Sense – It’s the season for high school and family reunions, company picnics and association conventions. What better time to talk about how to prepare for those events so that you are more comfortable and will leave the impression you desire.

First Impressions Last – Whether you are in customer service, sales, management, a professional position or in a support role, you are making an impression on those around you. Is it the impression you want?

Stressed for Success? – Do you know the secret to making your body 15 to 20 years more youthful? Discover an additional strategy which one researcher found positively affects stress hormones that can lead you to lower your blood pressure and give you a more relaxed heart rate and respiration.

Those Who Laugh Last! – To face the frustrations of dealing with constant change and cranky customers, we must develop the light approach to life. Take a Sense of Humor Inventory and find out if your humor needs some work. Discover six strategies to get your laugh mechanism in order.

You Are What You Eat – Is That Good News for You? – Do you know which food is second only to pure oxygen for dissipating stress? Discover several foods to avoid eating because they will increase your stress levels.

All Stressed-Up and No Place to Go – Do you know why you wake up tired some days? Are you making the most of your day by making the most of the first 15 minutes you are awake? Learn several new stress management strategies to help you deal with work change and unruly customers in this issue.

Friends DO Make a Difference… – Did you know that not having close friends can be as detrimental to your health as smoking or carrying extra weight? This article explores why friends are critically important to our mental and physical health and how they can help us deal with the stress of life.

Customer Complaints: Do You Have the RIGHT Stuff? – Only when we begin viewing complaints as a gift and invitation for improvement from our customer will we be on the road to earning loyalty from our customers.

Your Customer is Your Paycheck! – Customer service is about keeping the customer’s money in your bank, not the on-going boom and bust of replacing lost customers with new customers.



Articles: Change Management | Customer Loyalty | Leadership Articles | Communication Skills

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