Do you sometimes find you are at the end of your rope when it comes to organizational change? Then, let go! In this newsletter issue you will learn what to do with all the things you do not have control over in your change situation.
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“An Eye for an Eye and a Tooth for a Tooth, Can Leave You Blind and Toothless”. Has the lack of forgiveness for past decisions or perceived wrongs in your organization impeded your ability to move forward in change? If so, this article is for you. Discover why forgiveness has everything to do with you and very little to do with the person who has hurt you.
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Audio Excerpt:
“Radio Interview on Forgiveness” (part 1) (0.39 minutes)
“Radio Interview on Forgiveness” (part 2) (7.18 minutes)
“Radio Interview on Forgiveness” (part 3) (9.12 minutes)
Part 2 Resistance Cycle in Change. Discover what happens during the final two phases in the Cycle of Resistance. Learn the keys to healing the pain of resistance and how to make a commitment to new growth.
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The Resistance Cycle in Change. Discover the four phases of resistance that people go through when enduring change. Learn the typical ways people react to change and how it impacts them personally.
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Audio Excerpts:
“Mourning the Past” (2.58 minutes)
“Our Natural Reactions to Change” (13.35 minutes)
Winning Thru Whining! Your organization’s greatest enemy is NOT in the marketplace. Just because you’re not hearing employee whining doesn’t mean resistance to change isn’t paralyzing your organization.
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Audio Excerpt:
“Job Security Fears” (4.30 minutes)
Focus To The Future. Profit from firsthand information about the changing workplace which will give you an ideas of what’s to come. Discover the latest researched-based trends so you can focus to the future.
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What? More Change?? Strengthen your ability to deal with change by learning how to avoid the basic mistakes that employees make when trying to survive organizational change.
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Balancing Act. Reduce your guilt and stress by gaining the skills you need to become the kind of person you want to be in both your professional and personal life.
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Dealing with Difficult People. When it comes to criticism, most people think it is more blessed to give criticism than to receive it, particularly if the criticism comes from a difficult person. Capitalize on three techniques you can use when dealing with critics.
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Audio Excerpts:
“Typical Reactions to Complaints and Criticism” (5.50 minutes)
“Fog, Don’t Flog Your Critics” (9.51 minutes)
“The Problem with Information Assumption” (5.46 minutes)
You have been rated consistently “11" or “12" on a 12 point scale over the last few months of delivering programs to our management team on dealing with change. Our managers can be a tough group because many of them have been with USS/KOBE Steel for over 25 years and can be cynical when it comes to training. Our managers particularly value the practical applications and techniques they can go back and use immediately...We look forward to a long and continuing relationship with you.
USS/KOBE Steel Company
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